Definition of cryptocurrency subscription "IPO" - Definitions

What is a cryptocurrency subscription "IPO"? IPO Cryptocurrency Subscription in digital currencies can be defined as the process of introducing a new currency in the market and trying to attract investors to it, in addition to providing a sum of money for the work team until the project is completed. And then the investors inject money into this currency before it is issued, and in return, the company issuing the new currency gives the investors digital currencies with the value of the investment. What are the types of subscriptions to cryptocurrency? There are three common types of cryptocurrency subscription: The first type: is ICO or the offer of the first coins. In this type, the subscription is done through the coin website itself, and then the coin is listed on any platform, but you must be careful because this type of subscription is a lot of fraud, so you must be careful. The second type: is IEO or the initial exchange offer. In this type, the subscription is made ...