
What is BRICS Group? - Definitions

Who are the members of the BRICS group? BRICS Group The BRICS Group or "BRICS" is a grouping of countries with the fastest economic growth in the world, and it is an abbreviation for the first letter of the countries that make up the group, and they are: Brazil - B Russia - R India - I China - C South Africa - S On August 24, 2023, BRICS expanded the group’s membership and the following are the new members: Argentina. Egypt. Iran. Ethiopia. Saudi Arabia. UAE. The first official meeting between the heads of the four founding countries was held before South Africa's accession in Yekaterinburg, Russia, in June 2009, where the meeting included the announcement of the establishment of a bipolar world order. In 2008, the first high-level meeting of the leaders of the BRIC countries was held in July, on the Japanese island of Hokkaido, where the G-8 summit met at that time.

Money Wages Vs Real Wages - Definitions

What is the concept of cash wage? Money Wages Vs Real Wages Money wage can be defined as the nominal wage that an individual receives for his work. What is the concept of real wage? The real wage can be defined as the volume of goods and services that an individual receives as a result of the monetary wage he receives. Economic problems resulting from the discrepancy between real and monetary wages? Here, the gap occurs between the two wages, which is called "monetary deception" When the general level of prices rises, we find that the individual still gets his fixed cash wage as it is, but his real wage has decreased because the amount of goods and services he received has declined.  The foregoing is called a decrease in per capita consumption spending, and thus the economic well-being of individuals decreases and society enters into a state of economic recession.  Therefore, when prices rise, the cash wage of individuals must increase in the same proportion so that the gap d...

Definition Of Arbitrage - Definitions

Concept Arbitrage Definition Of Arbitrage Arbitrage is buying and selling an asset at the same time but in different markets. The goal of arbitrage is to make profits from small price differences with the aim of closing enough trades to make an ample profit. Arbitrage takes place by trading commodities, stocks, and currencies as well. For example, if the exchange rate of the US dollar in a particular country is lower than in your country, you can buy and sell a sufficient amount that will bring you large profits. These opportunities are usually rare because everything in the financial market is well thought out, but they may occur in inefficient markets. Therefore, the probability of arbitrage occurring is very small.

Concept of Digital Currencies "Cryptocurrency" - Definitions

Definition of "Cryptocurrency" Digital Currencies | Cryptocurrency "Cryptocurrency" or Digital currencies can be defined as a type of currency that does not have a physical presence but has the same characteristics and capabilities as physical banknotes with which you can buy goods and services, in addition to that it uses encryption to secure and verify transactions and does not have the control of central authorities. Glimpse into the history of Cryptocurrency In recent years, many encrypted "Digital Currencies" have appeared that cannot be limited to one article, but we can clarify that some currencies are based on the purchase of one service on the Internet, such as some games. The origins of digital currencies date back to the end of the last century in the mid-1990s in 1996, when electronic gold appeared. The currency that caused a sensation and the boom of the crypto and digital currency market is "Bitcoin" which appeared in 2009 by an ano...

Definition of cryptocurrency subscription "IPO" - Definitions

What is a cryptocurrency subscription "IPO"? IPO Cryptocurrency Subscription in digital currencies can be defined as the process of introducing a new currency in the market and trying to attract investors to it, in addition to providing a sum of money for the work team until the project is completed. And then the investors inject money into this currency before it is issued, and in return, the company issuing the new currency gives the investors digital currencies with the value of the investment. What are the types of subscriptions to cryptocurrency? There are three common types of cryptocurrency subscription: The first type: is ICO or the offer of the first coins. In this type, the subscription is done through the coin website itself, and then the coin is listed on any platform, but you must be careful because this type of subscription is a lot of fraud, so you must be careful. The second type: is IEO or the initial exchange offer. In this type, the subscription is made ...

Supply Chains Concept - Definitions

Supply Chains Concept Supply Chains Concept If we look at the concept of "supply chains" we will find that it means a huge interconnected network of individuals, companies, resources, and technologies involved in the manufacture and sale of a product or service. What are the steps of supply chains in brief? The supply chain begins with the delivery of raw materials from the supplier to the manufacturer and ends with the delivery of the finished product or service to the final consumer. Companies periodically develop supply chains so that they can reduce costs and remain competitive in business. Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management can be defined as the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing, procurement, transfer and all logistics management activities, and also includes coordination and cooperation with channel partners, which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third-party service providers, and customers.

Swift System Definition - Definitions

What is a SWIFT System? Swift Code Definition SWIFT stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. SWIFT system , The concept of "SWIFT" can be clarified, as it is the association of financial communications that connects banks, forms the infrastructure, links financial messages between all banks in the world, and processes millions of daily banking transactions in more than 200 countries every day for more than 11 thousand financial institutions. What is a swift code? The Swift Code is a standardized form of the bank identification code, and each bank branch has its own identification code that is used to transfer funds between banks, especially in international bank transfers. What are the components of a swift code? The Swift code consists of 8 digits when it refers to the main branch of the bank or 11 digits when it refers to one of the bank’s branches. 1- The AAAA, which is the first 4 letters that refer to the bank code, are only letters. 2- T...