What is BRICS Group? - Definitions

Who are the members of the BRICS group? BRICS Group The BRICS Group or "BRICS" is a grouping of countries with the fastest economic growth in the world, and it is an abbreviation for the first letter of the countries that make up the group, and they are: Brazil - B Russia - R India - I China - C South Africa - S On August 24, 2023, BRICS expanded the group’s membership and the following are the new members: Argentina. Egypt. Iran. Ethiopia. Saudi Arabia. UAE. The first official meeting between the heads of the four founding countries was held before South Africa's accession in Yekaterinburg, Russia, in June 2009, where the meeting included the announcement of the establishment of a bipolar world order. In 2008, the first high-level meeting of the leaders of the BRIC countries was held in July, on the Japanese island of Hokkaido, where the G-8 summit met at that time.